The Perth Observatory depends on income from astronomy-related events and significant volunteer time and expertise to operate. To maintain and develop the Observatory, we require adequate funding, public support, well-trained volunteers, and strong relationships with academic specialists and community groups. This solid foundation ensures that the Observatory’s buildings and heritage assets are restored and protected, and the stories of scientific discovery are captured and made available for public education and enjoyment.

Incremental injections of funds are needed for capital works, repairs, and upgrades to visitor and volunteer resources. We seek funding from public and corporate sectors as well as private and community sources, underpinned by guaranteed core funds to cover operating costs.

Our funders, sponsors, and partners have shown their support for the Observatory and our Volunteer Group, an Australian-registered not-for-profit organization. This support ensures that we can continue to successfully share the rich history of astronomy in WA with locals and visitors alike. Perth Observatory is listed on the deductible gift recipient (DGR) registry, meaning that all donations made to the Observatory are tax-deductible.

Perth Observatory is managed and operated by the Perth Observatory Volunteer Group (Inc.) on behalf of the WA Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions. We gratefully acknowledge their support and funding.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following sponsors and partners for their generous support:

Supernova Supporters

Star Sponsors

Coming soon

Platinum Sponsors

Coming soon

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors



Private Donations

  • Angela Croxford
  • Mark Arney
  • Kyran Nunes
  • Peter Byala
  • Sandra Basham
  • Sandra Basham
  • Peeranut Visetsuth
  • Peter Hewitt
  • Grace Durnin
  • Emily Davis
  • Frazer Callaghan
  • Fiona Gallagher
  • Mark Arney
  • Jessica Simmons
  • Louise Rijnhart
  • Frazer Callaghan
  • Romina Marcuzzo
  • Roger Groom
  • Meg McKinlay
  • Matt Canty
  • WJM Finlayson
  • Geoff Scott
  • P Williamson

Our Sponsors are organisations or individuals who provide financial support for various projects. Sponsors are distinguished from Funders, who provide the bulk of funding for our project, usually as a grant specifically awarded for public engagement and of greater than $100,000. Our Partners are organisations or individuals who support us without a financial contribution, for example, promotion, advice or in-kind services.

The Perth Observatory Volunteer Group recognises the following Sponsor and Funder categories (incl. GST):

  • Supernova $500,001 +
  • Star $200,001 – $500,000
  • Platinum $75,001 – $200,000
  • Gold $25,000 – $75,000
  • Silver $10,001 – $25,000
  • Bronze $1,000 – $10,000
  • Supporter $100 – $1,000

Please contact our Chairman of the Board, Colin Armstrong, on or 0427 270 850 if you would like more information on how to get involved.

Thank you for your support!