More Volunteer News
A huge thanks to Des Criddle and Ken Day who continue to work hard rejuvenating the main buildings of the Observatory. Not only are they whizzes outside in the garden, but inside they have been showing off their “brush and roller” expertise. So far they have repainted the Astro Shop, School Day Tours Room, the hallways and are now giving a new lease of life to the Lecture Theatre and Kitchen, and all done with big smiles on their faces, whistling a happy tune. We have some more updating of the Lecture Room planned so keep in touch!
Since Jo Jarrett and Sue Stanton joined the maintenance team, they have been steadily transforming the patch of the garden next to the Lowell Dome. Well done ladies, it looks terrific. Des has an excellent master plan to bring the Observatory grounds back to their former splendour. We hope to catch up with you all at the next grounds Busy Bee. See you there!