Volunteer Update
It’s wonderful seeing our trainees back up the hill joining in our Night Sky Tours.
Not only do our trainees learn through direct mentoring during tours, but they also get the opportunity to practice their hands-on telescope operation during the week. Volunteers also develop their presentation skills with our continuing online/remote training through MS Teams Video Conferencing sessions on the first and third Monday of each month. During these sessions, an experienced presenter talks on a subject that can help us all during our many tours, a trainee practices presenting a dome talk, and we finish with an Astro Quiz.
The sessions are wonderful, adding to our knowledge base and keeping us, all connected as a group. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that have been giving their time to join in and contribute.
A New Name
In recognition of the hard work, commitment and knowledge it takes to graduate as a solo Telescope Operator, POVG are now calling our Telescope Operators by their new title of Amateur Astronomers. Achieving this AA title is a massive accomplishment, and we thank all of you that have put (and are putting the time in) to do this important role and keep our Night Sky Tours successfully running.
Volunteers Needed
We’re getting ready to interview our next intake of volunteers for Night Sky Tours. If you’re a confident presenter with clear speaking skills, have a passion for the night sky that you enjoy sharing with others, and are interested in learning how to operate the telescopes, we’d love to meet you.
A full description of what the role entails is on our website with the application form, go to our Become a Volunteer page and click on the more info box for each role. We also need volunteers for School Day Tours, Office Work and Maintenance (cleaning, gardening). We’re a happy bunch, so spread the word: we’re recruiting now!