Congratulations to Paul Wadham on his appointment to Program Manager for the Perth Observatory Volunteer Group

Paul will be overseeing and coordinating all POVG projects to ensure they meet their goals and objectives with efficient use of resources. With extensive experience in working in and supervising project teams, Paul has extremely great attention to detail and a ‘can-do attitude.
You’ll have noticed mentions of Paul over the past four years as one of our most hardworking volunteers, and he recently took on leadership of the stalled Astrographic Restoration Project – now once again a stunning piece of heritage.
Paul is also one of a handful of our volunteers that have completed their Diploma in Project Management kindly run through the Business Education Institute. Congratulations Paul and thank you for taking on such an important role.
Dividing Wall

We’re very excited to announce that our Kitchen/Lecture Theatre renovation is now complete. The new dividing wall is in place, the dishwasher and bench installed and the cabinet doors painted.
Many thanks to LotteryWest, Project Manager Helen Armstrong and our magnificent maintenance team for working so hard on this project. We are all enjoying the bright new look.
Photographic Glass Plate Preservation Project
LotteryWest has approved funding for the Photographic Glass Plate Preservation Project to move into the next stage of scanning the Astrographic Observing Books, the Astrographic Plate register, and hopefully the Lowell Observing Books.
The Scanning Team are happily back at work in their “cupboard” and progressing towards the eventual goal of having all the scanned images made accessible online for research.
A big thank you to all the teams working on the various Lottery West Projects.